13. Understanding member's needs, the board's priorities and executive's focus: Resolving disparities

8.30am – 11.30am CEST, 11 June 2024 ‐ 3 hours

Membership Strategy

In today’s rapidly changing landscape, only change is constant – and associations need to adapt better and quicker than ever before. Members’ attentions are being pulled in a million different directions which means that all associations have to work not just harder but also smarter in keeping them engaged. Steering an association in the right direction is paramount to its success, but, as association leaders, how do we know what our members really want and need? How do we overcome challenges around conflicting member needs, board priorities, and our own executive focus? How do we manage mismatched expectations?

This hands-on session explores the changing dynamics and topical challenges around member and board needs and expectations, mapping out journeys and solutions towards agile, efficient association strategies.

The session will leave you with a clear understanding of your own and your association peers’ challenges around engaging members and your board, and how to address them in an agile, transparent way – with concrete, immediate takeaways to implement in your association.

Session format:

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