Reserve multiple places

This form is to reserve multiple places for the Association Event Playbook Masterclasses in the series.

Enjoy savings of €500 / £420 for six or more places booked, on the Standard or Early booker price, at €2550 / £2200 for six places, and pro-rata for more booked at the same time.

You can:

  • Reserve the places now and provide all or some of the details later
  • Book different people on to any number of masterclasses or book the same person on to some or all, or any combination
  • If you are just booking one person for one masterclass, then please login and go to the masterclass you wish and book them on there

Your details

Bookings for Masterclasses

Please advise below the number of places you wish us to book & hold for each masterclass, and provide the details of delegates that you know are attending at this point of time. We will contact you for the other delegates to in the lead-up to the masterclasses.

Event Strategy Playbook Masterclass
Event Market Mapping Masterclass
Event Content Playbook Masterclass
Event Marketing Playbook Masterclass
Event Sponsorship Playbook Masterclass
Event Budgeting Playbook Masterclass

Invoice details