10 Dec 2020

Winners of the International & European Association Awards 2020

We are delighted to announce the winners of the International & European Association Awards 2020! We received a total of 102 entries, in 12 categories. Thank you to everyone who submitted a nomination and to the 17 judges who evaluated the entries. Congratulations to the winners! 

Executive Director of the Year

Winner: Christian Feichtinger, International Astronautical Federation

The judges said: "Christian has contributed to impressive growth within the organization, expanded event portfolio and scale, and built a strong staff and volunteer base for the organization's journey, while introducing innovative initiatives.”


  • Alain Mulder, Institute of Management Accountants
  • Colleen Delaney Eubanks, International Association for the Study of Pain
  • Elizabeth Niehaus, International Exhibition Logistics Association
  • Fred Destrebecq, European Brain Council
  • Martin Sharp, DFK Internatonal

Association Executive of the Year

Winner: Cathy Persidis, DIA EMEA

The judges said: “A bold, courageous association executive with a passion for change, who has taken over as Acting Managing Director for EMEA in the middle of the COVID-pandemic. Cathy undertook to convert a portfolio of events to virtual conferences and trainings in record time and showed leadership and creativity in action. She's inspired change within her office but also among the member companies of her association. Cathy is everything an association executive should aspire to be.”


  • Alexander Mohr, PhD, European Flavour Association
  • David D’Souza, The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

Effective Voice of the Year

Winner: International AIDS Society, #IASONEVOICE

The judges said: “Given the subject matter its hard to engage with people who are the audience, openly, and also to try and change people's pre-conceived thoughts on the subject - really touching and a very powerful message! So much good has come out this campaign on so many levels - this just highlights that it is more than just the figures, its the real difference a good campaign can make, well done!”


  • International Association for the Study of Pain, Bringing Support to the Chronic Pain Community
  • International Exhibition Logistics Association, TogetherSTRONG
  • Royal Society of Chemistry, Scarcity of Elements - International Year of the Periodic Table
  • World Heart Federation, Healthy Budgets, Healthy People

Best Conference Development

Winner: Stockholm International Water Institute, World Water Week in Stockholm

The judges said: "Re-strategising the how, where, what, why and whom led to a dynamic and successful event - SIWI was bold in their approach, to create a memorable event."


  • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, Virtual Global Learning Providers' Conference
  • International Association of Facilitators, 2019 Conference of the Americas
  • International Association of Young Lawyers, 57th International Young Lawyers' Congress
  • Royal College of Physicians, RCP Annual Conference: Medicine 2019

Best New Conference or Event

Winner: Biodiversity Information Standards, Biodiversity Next

The judges said: “The event is a testament for successful cooperation and merge of different annual events to achieve something greater, to have a bigger impact and to leave a legacy. It was a tremendous achievement “


  • Home Appliance Europe, Score for charity
  • International AIDS Society, IAS Educational Fund Meetings
  • PWN Global, Gender Balanced Leadership Awards

Best Membership Campaign

Winner: Eurelectric, Leading the Charge

The judges said: “Well thought out and aptly named campaign with a very clear objective, clear stages and key milestones. Materials and resources were of a very high standard and proved very impactful!“


  • European Flavour Association, Flavour Ambassadors
  • European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services, European Prison Information System
  • International Exhibition Logistics Association, IELA Reload
  • Royal Society of Chemistry, Student Recruitment Engagement Campaign
  • World Heart Federation, Connect with members

Best Social Media Campaign

Winner: European Container Glass Federation, 'Checkouts of Thanks' by Friends of Glass

The judges said: "A Clever, impactful, thought provoking and encompassing of channels. The metrics were innovative and successful; the return of value is undeniable."


  • European Association of Chemical Distributors, FECC COVID-19 toolbox
  • International Federation of Psoriasis Associations, Let's get connected
  • International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Bangkok 2019
  • Royal Society of Chemistry, #RSCPoster Twitter Conference

Best Association Video

Winner: European Container Glass Federation, 'Checkouts of Thanks' by Friends of Glass

The judges said: “Succinct and impactful video. This is not a high definition cinema experience, but it was more effective. Inspirational"


  • European Foundation Centre, Foundations and the new normal - How to innovate philanthropy
  • Home Appliance Europe, The #BetterLifestyles Manifesto explained by our children
  • PEFC International, Humans of the Forests
  • Royal Society of Chemistry, Why choose chemistry?
  • World Heart Federation, Reforming Rural Healthcare: identifying and treating hypertension in Kenya
  • World Heart Federation, The Beat of Change: Rheumatic Heart Disease in Mozambique

Best Association Website

Winner: Royal Society of Chemistry, www.edu.rsc.org/future-in-chemistry

The judges said: "A dynamic website full of interesting content. Good use of different mediums to convey information and encourage interest. Good story telling keeps the visitor hooked. Well done!"


Best National Association Project (not UK)

Winners: IKW, IKW Market Development Program

The judges said: "One of the great successes of this project is the membership-wide satisfaction achieved. It demonstrates that the project provides not just value to the bottom-line of a company but also to membership of IKW"


  • Botswana Wrestling Federation, Wrestling Gender Based Violence in Botswana
  • Polish Conference & Congress Association, News from the World – SKKP Academy
  • Tanzania Renewable Energy Association, Tanzania Parliamentarians Energy Learning
  • Tanzania Renewable Energy Association, Enabling Employability of Girls through Solar Technology

European Association of the Year

Winner: European Chamber of Commerce Myanmar

The judges said: "A very active advocacy forum, well done!"


  • European Brain Council
  • European Safety and Stadium Management Association
  • Institute of Entrepreneurship Development
  • Intergraf

International Association of the Year

Winner: International Federation of Psoriasis Associations

The judges said: "The organisation is doing everything an international federation of associations should do"


  • Ausfilm International Incorporated
  • Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
  • Institute of Management Accountants
  • International Exhibition Logistics Association
  • International Federation of Inventors' Associations
  • International Frequency Sensor Association
  • World Technopolis Association