12 Jan 2019

Winners of the International & European Association Awards 2015

Eight categories with 24 shortlisted executives and associations took part in the International & European Association Awards ceremony in Lausanne, Switzerland, for a sumptuous dinner.

Chief Executive of the Year

Winner: Cary Adams, Union for International Cancer Control

The judges said: "With a small team, Cary was able to position his association as a global thought leader and implemented World Cancer Day."


  • Andrew Mallison, FFO The Marine Ingredients Organisation
  • Kevin Mead - PrimeGlobal

Young Leader of the Year

Winner: Caroline Staffell, Graduate Women International

The judges said: 
"Caroline developed a strategic plan, implemented projects, new training offerings and membership services resulting in 100% member retention."


  • Giuseppe Marletta, International Association of Young Lawyers
  • Thomas Delaveaux, European College of Sport Science

Effective Voice

Winner: IFFO - The Marine Ingredients Organisation

The judges said:
"A campaign that showed that hard work and focus leads to success."


  • International Play Association – Promoting the Child’s Right to Play (IPA)
  • World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA)

Conference Development

Winner: Federation of European Self Storage Associations

The judges said: 
"Took a counterintuitive approach, raising prices, combined with improvements in the quality of speakers and marketing activities."


  • European Society for Medical Oncology
  • International Pharmaceutical Federation

Best eLearning / Online Education

Winner: European Association for the Study of the Liver

The judges said:
"A visually compelling entry that draws the learner into the subject using an innovative and unique application."


  • World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA)
  • World Obesity Federation

Best Association Website

Winner: CompTIA

The judges said:
"The website stands out because of its crystal clear design and excellent integration."


  • European Golf Course Owners Association
  • The Global IT Association for Telecommunications (ETIS)

Best Event Webcasting

Winner: American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases

The judges said:
"Used a flexible and interactive approach to webcasting that resulted in an excellent cutting edge experience for the audience."


  • Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
  • Sedex Global Responsible Sourcing Conference

Best Use of Event Technology

Winner: Union Sociale pour l’Habitat

The judges said: 
"An app that has evolved over time into an impressive conference tool."


  • European Association of Endoscopic Surgery
  • The eLearning Guild