16 Jan 2025

How does your association compare to its peers?

Explore insights from association: Participate in AAE's Benchmarking Programme

As associations, you already know the value of benchmarking—it’s a tool you regularly rely on to drive improvement. But AAE believes that benchmarking can provide unique insights into what other associations are experiencing. The reports are designed to be not only informative but also inspirational, offering fresh perspectives to help you navigate your challenges.

As a part of our Benchmarking Programme, we conduct regular surveys to uncover trends, evaluate performance, share best practices and allow associations to see how they measure up against others. By participating in these surveys, you contribute valuable experiences that shape the future of associations. In return, you’ll gain access to key findings, including how your organization compares with others, both locally and globally.

AAE’s Current Benchmarking Programme

AI in Associations

This survey explores how associations are adopting AI, the challenges they face, and the opportunities to leverage AI more effectively. By highlighting the current status of AI use, the survey aims to uncover the barriers that organisations face in fully harnessing AI’s potential and explore adoption succeses and strategies.

Who should participate?

  • Associations worldwide
  • Employees at all levels

Why participate?

  • Key Findings: Access a detailed report with insights on AI adoption, strategies, and methods.
  • Personalised Benchmarking: Compare your results with similar organizations to guide your AI adoption decisions.
  • Exclusive Discount: Receive a discount to attend AAE’s events on AI.

Time to complete: 8–12 minutes

Start benchmarking your AI adoption here >>

CRM / Association Management System in Associations

This survey evaluates how associations are using CRM and AMS tools, highlighting challenges and identifying opportunities for improvement in the association world. It examines the current adoption rates, common features in use, and exploring best practices and strategies to optimise these tools to help associations make the most of their CRM and AMS investments.

Who should participate?

  • Associations worldwide
  • Executive Heads, Directors, Senior Managers, or Heads of Membership or IT

Why Participate?

  • Key Findings: Learn how your CRM / AMS use compares across association.
  • Personalised Benchmarking: Access tailored comparisons with similar organisations.
  • Special Perk: Get a discount on AAE events focusing on CRM / AMS strategies.

Time to complete: 12–15 minutes

Start benchmarking your CRM / AMS use here >>

Upcoming Benchmarking Projects

Event transformation

Struggling to attract delegates or secure sponsorship for your events? Are your events reaching their maximum revenue potential? Do you find producing must-attend content a challenge? This project will explore how associations tackle event management challenges and uncover strategies for creating impactful, revenue-driving events.

Who should participate?

  • Associations worldwide
  • Executive Heads, Senior Managers, or Heads of Events

Coming soon.

Leadership & Governance in Associations

This benchmarking exercise will assess how associations approach leadership and governance, identify common challenges, and provide insights to help you strengthen your organization's leadership capabilities.

Who should participate?

  • Associations worldwide
  • CEOs, Secretary Generals, or Executive Heads

Coming soon.

Join us in these projects and gain the insights you need to make informed decisions, overcome challenges, and set your organization on a path to success.

For upcoming surveys in the Benchmarking Programme, watch this space.