31 Oct 2018
by Anca Urdea

Winners of the Association Awards Africa 2018

Five categories with 16 shortlisted executives and associations took part in the Association Awards Africa ceremony on 30th October in Pretoria, South Africa.

Association Leader of the Year

Winner: Dr. Habil Olaka, Kenya Bankers Association

The judges said:
"Developed the association by establishing a long term, strategic plan and creating departments to support achieving the new goals of the organisation. Established relationships with stakeholders and the industry and raised the profile of KBA; created a programme to support financing of high-risk SME, thus supporting entrepreneurship in Kenya."

Highly Commended:

  • Kevan Jones, South African Communication Industries Association
  • Matthew Josephat Matimbwi, Tanzania Renewable Energy Association
  • Moagi Sharp, Botswana Wrestling Federation

Best Association of the Year

Winner: African Association of Women in Geosciences

The judges said:
“Good job in recognising the necessity of this association, to represent women geoscientists on the African continent. Great effort in advancing the purpose of the association with bi-annual events located in various African countries.”

Highly Commended:

  • Kenya Bankers Association
  • The Institute of Risk Management South Africa

Best Large Association Conference

Winner: Employee Assistance Professional Association - 19th EAPA-SA Annual Conference

The judges said:
“Conference well promoted via newsletters, Facebook and regional Chapters. The good return on investment and the great feedback from attendees stand testimony to the quality of the conference.”

Highly Commended:

  • Payments Association of South Africa - PASA International Payments Conference
  • Society for AIDS in Africa - International Conference Om AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA 2017)

Best Small Association Conference

Winner: Tanzania Renewable Energy Association - Renewable Energy Day in Kigoma

The judges said:
“Very clear goal for this event comprising of seminars, workshops, exhibitions and site visits, all aiming to educate and encourage the local population to adopt and use renewable energy technologies in their households. The free admission, education regarding financing opportunities and the mix of gov representatives & local population makes this a common effort to benefit everyone living in the area.”

Highly Commended:

  • South African Facilities Management Association - SAFMA Conference
  • The Institute of Risk Management South Africa - 2018 Cruywagen IRMSA Risk Laboratory

Best Association E-Newsletter

Winner: Electrical Contractors’ Association

The judges said:
“The number of subscribers has grown ten times in just one year – impressive! Also, ECASA achieved a 1.2 million Rand turnover from its publications. Great idea to ‘serialise’ material and encourage readers to look forward to the next issue.”

Highly Commended:

  • Employee Assistance Professionals Association
  • Kenya Bankers Association