06 Jul 2021

A more structured approach to career development to attract and retain talent in your association

The disciplines within association and society management are little known on campus and are characterised by 'hiring for the job', these are our organisations and we are missing out on some of the best graduate talent. 


Steven Price
Steven Price

Executive Director, European Institute for Industrial Leadership

Steve Price is a Chartered Engineer with a business education from Cranfield and Oxford universities. After 20 years in the chemical industry building new plants and new businesses on three continents, he used the skills and networks he?d developed to create a unique not-for-profit industry association.  Established in 2003 the European Institute for Industrial Leadership (EIIL) helps member companies in the process, plastics and engineering sectors, to research issues likely to affect their future leadership. This research feeds into programmes which help equip ?next generation leaders? with skills needed in their future workplace. Steve has a passion for developing people and has contributed on this subject as an expert to the Consultative Committee for Industrial Change at the European Economic and Social Committee. For the last twelve years he has been a member of the Advisory Board of JADE the European Confederation of Junior Enterprises, was this year appointed to the Advisory Board of the World Council for Junior Enterprise, and is also engaged as a mentor to the Executive of the Erasmus Student Network.

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