Updating your flagship event for success

How musical festivals can be your inspiration for a corporate event?

In the post-pandemic landscape, associations are now seeking innovative strategies to create, enhance, and differentiate their events and conferences.

Post-pandemic the Institute of Internal Communication (IoIC) made the brave decision to go back to face-to-face events with a bold new format. Find out how taking the concept of a musical festival and applying it to a corporate audience, as well as involving members in content creation, saw ticket sales increase by 140% over the past 4 years.

Join Rebecca Nicholls, Event Manager, as she shares the journey the IoIC has been on, the changes made to the format since 2021 and why, as well as the plans for 2025.

In this seminar, she will share her experience and learnings on:

  • Why change the existing format
  • How IoIC got Board buy-in for the change
  • Event format – how, why and what
  • The importance of venue selection
  • Call for contributions – what are they, how to do them successfully
  • Listening to feedback (delegate and speaker) and making changes
  • Plans for the future


12:00 - Introduction
12:05 - Presentation
12:35 - Questions & Answers
12:55 - Close


Rebecca Nicholls CIIC

Rebecca Nicholls CIIC

Events, Networks & Awards Manager, Institute of Internal Communication

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