Event Stakeholder Mapping Playbook

Creating a blueprint to shape your marketing, sponsorship and PR execution plans.

It’s been brutal – do you need to rethink your events and their marketing and sponsorship sales strategies? Are you wanting to increase delegate numbers and ensure you don’t leave sponsorship and exhibitor income on the table? Are you seeking clarity on how your markets have changed in the last three years and how you can maximise that for profitable events?

Ensure your team are high performers by learning how to map your market in granular style so you can maximise your opportunities.

This practical hands-on Masterclass will teach you a visual tool so that you can:

  • Analyse your market on a buy side / sell side basis
  • Develop detailed delegate marketing plans (buy side) and sponsorship / exhibition sales strategies (sell side)
  • Understand who are your “must attends” and media players
  • Develop an Audience Curation plan that includes VIPs
  • Create a PR plan that includes all relevant media; press, socials, bloggers

Give your team laser-like clarity and focus to maximise the value and purpose of your events.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand which organisations are “buy side” and which are “sell side”, and their motivations for engaging with your event
  • Analyse supplier supply chains to get a granular understand of your sponsorship and exhibitor market
  • Practical exercises with a framework for you to take back to your team
  • Action plans for how to structure your delegate strategy and audience curation, SPEX strategy and PR plan

Who should attend

Events strategists, Managers, Directors, Heads of Department and Executive Heads, of Associations, Societies, Federations and all membership organisations

What's included

  • Tutoring & presentation
  • Frameworks, checklists & process tools:
    Market Mapping models
    Granular Market Map Analysis Grid
    Marketing Execution Plan Outline
    8-step Sponsorship Sales Process
    11-element Sponsorship Pack/Page Content Outline
    Audience Curation Model
    PR Plan Checklist
    Market Mapping Workshop Plan
  • Access to the recording post event
  • Discussion forum for tutor and delegates 
  • Certificate of Attendance 

CPD Value

This masterclass is awarded 3 hours / 180 minutes of CPD time.


Sasha Frieze

Sasha Frieze

Managing Director, The Business Narrative

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